Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Witness - Part 3 and 4

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  1. Its amazing how bad the situation is for all palestinians.
    The world looks on as if its ok, while some kids are taking their bmw's to school, some kids are lucky to make it alive their or on their way back home.

  2. It's obvious that kids and parents want to send their children to schools, but how can they do so when there is tanks in streets and not enough schools or teachers or room tobegin with. things are very difficult there its really ashame that mankind still tolerates Israels aggression.

  3. Thats not right. Its a crime in itself that these kids can't get proper education

  4. Education is a very important tool for the youth to prosper. With out education you have chaos.... Then again Israel is very Educated yet is very chaotic towards palestinians.


November 29- Mark it down

In 1977, the General Assembly called for the annual observance of 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (resolution 32/40 B). On that day, in 1947, the Assembly adopted the resolution on the partition of Palestine (resolution 181 (II)). In resolution 60/37 of 1 December 2005, the Assembly requested the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and the Division for Palestinian Rights, as part of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November, to continue to organize an annual exhibit on Palestinian rights or a cultural event in cooperation with the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the UN. It also encouraged Member States to continue to give the widest support and publicity to the observance of the Day of Solidarity. Click Here

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